We are enthusiastic, creative and driven people from the healthcare, science and tech industry, who have been developing medically-ethical-tested applications for eight years with great care and attention. Based in the Netherlands, our team has teamed up with the University Medical Center Groningen to pool their knowledge on anatomy and digital e-learning for knowledge broadening and impact in the medical education sector.
Meet our mission-driven team!
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We are always looking for great colleagues or partners.
So feel free to stop by or contact us here.
Our in-house expertise
Our Vision
We envision a world where healthcare students and professionals have equal opportunities to access high-quality, realistic anatomical knowledge, regardless of location or time.
Our Mission
Enatom is on a mission to reduce educational inequality globally through making anatomical knowledge available in a smart and intuitive way and be the smartest dissection room of the future. We believe our technology improves healthcare outcomes.
“Enatom provides a sustainable alternative to textbooks and reduces educational inequities in low-resource settings. In doing so, we improve the anatomy education landscape and promote lifelong learning.”
Dr. Janniko Georgiadis, Head of Section of Anatomy and Medical Physiology UMCG
Prix Galien MedTech Innovation award!
Enatom is the anatomy education for the healthcare professional of tomorrow! This was announced by the professional jury during the Prix Galien Award. The jury highly appreciates this initiative because this ‘digital anatomy platform’ contributes to an improved and innovative education of medical students and in-service training of medical professionals.