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How does Enatom ensure the quality and authenticity of its anatomical specimens?

Enatom works with leading medical universities across Europe.. The anatomist of our team, along with the Anatomy Department, ensure the quality and guide our specimen scanning process so we can ensure the content on Enatom is authentic and of  highest quality.

If you are an educational institute and want Enatom to scan your specimens, do reach out to us on

How does Enatom source its anatomical specimens?

Based on the requirements of the students and educational partners we decide what specimen to scan next. We work with Medical universities and their anatomy dissection labs to source the specimens.

How does ENATOM handle the storage and preservation of anatomical specimens?

The medical universities we partner with handle the storage and preservation of the specimens.

Does ENATOM have its own body donation program?

Not at the moment. Our medical partners do have.

Can I share content in an educational setting?

Yes. as long you have a license you use Enatom.

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Enatom HQ
Atoomweg 2H
9743 AK Groningen
+31 (0) 8 5080 5459